The Time Frame of LIfe - What Really Obvious?

Belajar banyak about the circumstances lately. Tapi even a million lessons ga berguna jika ga di utilize.

Masih sering go wrong even in path to something right, so how’s then? Ya, i think i am human. Mostly doing wrong, right?

Ingin skip proses ini tapi the big question is. How you can value your results without knowing how struggle you are to make it?

Tapi terus terpikir. How can you gonna make a change? Accelerate it? And how can you take a deep breath and enjoying your time now at your present?

Additionally, ketika lo liat other yang udah make difference to society they do so well in their hand. So what about me? I am still thinking of Me myself and I.

Many ways, many things, in short time. Is that possible? Why so many contemplations? Hesitations? Why so many procrastinations? Why are you still arguing with temptations? there are so much enemies in myself to encounter in order to reach some achievements and obligations.

Gue liat sun shines and they whisper to me “I am still here making you light” meski kadang dia hilang tapi akan tetap kembali di certain time. Ya seperti itulah I can’t be forced to be always radiating all the time.

I left my flowers. Bukan tentang background apapun. Tapi tentang bagaimana melakukan dengan motive “hanya” sesuatu yang tidak complete. Keep falling? Rasanya sudah bukan waktunya lagi. Chasing? Attracting? Waiting? Apakah semuanya pertanyaan yg dapat menjawab apa yang selama ini dilakukan?

Ada old man di sana sits under the tree, tapi bagaimana kamu membayangkan raut nya?

In happy? Sad? Regret? Afraid? Atau dengan siapa dia duduk wife? lover? kids? cat? dog? Saya berharap apapun yang kau pilih atau yang kamu takdirkan you will accept completely.

Tapi in the end of the day. Kamu akan mengerti bahwa hidup bukan hanya tentang hidup. So what another obvious? Adalah mati. So mati dengan apa yang kamu really want? Die heavenly with sweet memory, impactful legacy, warm family, one that loves you wholeheartedly, enough charity, dan good deed that you’ve accomplished to be always run endlessly.

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