It's been almost 1,096 Days. Time flies for everyone and not for me. Every day is the day for me to struggle about finding the meaning of letting go and trying to break the silence. Living the state of countercurrent to live a turbulent life. It's 94,694,400 Seconds I felt. Every day, I see your face in everyone's faces, just in flicker their face change into you. If you could be me you will see how this feeling is so lost in your territory that you created a long time ago when we first met. I am always here with 16 candles still in the box. Deep down lies within, I just really want to feel free, feel the liberation of my soul, feel so empowered with my own spirit, free of choice to choose people, without defying your gravity, without the music you told, without the glimmer of our memories, without feeling the heavy breath we felt, without feeling the half, without all of the trauma you have given kindly. Hopefully, you got time to find these life notes. If you couldn't remember to remember me.